UTXO Stack 闪电网络空投 FAQ | 中文
- What is UTXO Stack?
- What is the UTXO Stack Lightning Genesis Airdrop? What activities are included?
- What is the Lightning Airdrop? How to participate in this phase?
- What is the User Incentive Program? How to participate in this phase?
- What is the Liquidity Boost Program? How to participate in this phase?
- How to receive the UTXO Stack airdrop?
- What are the points in the User Incentive Program?
- Why does the User Incentive Program require an invitation code to participate?
- How to get an invitation code for the User Incentive Program?
- What is the purpose of the invitation code in the User Incentive Program, besides early access?
- What is the value and purpose of the UTXO Stack token?
- Why do you need to use the JoyID wallet to participate in the User Incentive Program and receive airdrops?